(OpenSource : Telegram) Build

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Category : OpenSource

1. 폴더생성

  • 텔레그램을 빌드할 BuildPath(가칭)을 만든다.
  • BuildPath내부에 ThirdParty, Libraries 폴더를 생성한다.

2. ThirdParty설치

  • 만약 아래중 설치된게 있다면 생략해도 좋다
    • jom이 다운로드 되지 않는 경우가 있는데 qt를 설치하면 jom.exe가 자동으로설치되니 그 경로를 PATH에 넣어도 된다.
  • Qt5 : Download OpenSource User로 다운
  • Visual Studio Qt확장 : VisualStudio에서 설치
  • Strawberry Perl : BuildPath\ThirdParty\Strawberry
  • NASM : BuildPath\ThirdParty\NASM
  • Yasm : rename to yasm.exe and put to BuildPath\ThirdParty\yasm
  • MSYS2 : BuildPath\ThirdParty\msys64
  • jom : unpack to BuildPath\ThirdParty\jom
  • Python 2.7 : BuildPath\ThirdParty\Python27
  • CMake : BuildPath\ThirdParty\cmake
  • Ninja : unpack to BuildPath\ThirdParty\Ninja
  • NuGet : BuildPath\ThirdParty\NuGet
  • Git : 설명생략

3. BuildPath에 Make수행전 배치파일 생성


cd ThirdParty
git clone https://github.com/desktop-app/patches.git
cd patches
git checkout 41ead72
cd ../
git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/gyp
cd gyp
git checkout 9f2a7bb1
git apply ../patches/gyp.diff
cd ..\..
# 실행
$ PrepareMake.bat

4. 환경변수 선언

시스템환경변수에 gyp, ninga, NuGet의 경로를 넣는다.

5. BuildPath에 Make 배치파일 생성


첫 줄

SET PATH=%cd%\ThirdParty\Strawberry\perl\bin;%cd%\ThirdParty\Python27;%cd%\ThirdParty\NASM;%cd%\ThirdParty\jom;%cd%\ThirdParty\cmake\bin;%cd%\ThirdParty\yasm;%PATH%

마지막에 자신의 msbuild.exe의 PATH를 넣는다

SET PATH=%cd%\ThirdParty\Strawberry\perl\bin;%cd%\ThirdParty\Python27;%cd%\ThirdParty\NASM;%cd%\ThirdParty\jom;%cd%\ThirdParty\cmake\bin;%cd%\ThirdParty\yasm;%PATH%

git clone --recursive https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop.git

if not exist Libraries\win64 mkdir Libraries\win64
cd Libraries\win64

git clone https://github.com/desktop-app/patches.git
cd patches
git checkout 41ead72
cd ..

git clone https://github.com/desktop-app/lzma.git
cd lzma\C\Util\LzmaLib
msbuild LzmaLib.sln /property:Configuration=Debug /property:Platform="x64"
msbuild LzmaLib.sln /property:Configuration=Release /property:Platform="x64"
cd ..\..\..\..

git clone https://github.com/openssl/openssl.git openssl_1_1_1
cd openssl_1_1_1
git checkout OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable
perl Configure no-shared no-tests debug-VC-WIN64A
mkdir out64.dbg
move libcrypto.lib out64.dbg
move libssl.lib out64.dbg
move ossl_static.pdb out64.dbg\ossl_static
nmake clean
move out64.dbg\ossl_static out64.dbg\ossl_static.pdb
perl Configure no-shared no-tests VC-WIN64A
mkdir out64
move libcrypto.lib out64
move libssl.lib out64
move ossl_static.pdb out64
cd ..

git clone https://github.com/desktop-app/zlib.git
cd zlib\contrib\vstudio\vc14
msbuild zlibstat.vcxproj /property:Configuration=Debug /property:Platform="x64"
msbuild zlibstat.vcxproj /property:Configuration=ReleaseWithoutAsm /property:Platform="x64"
cd ..\..\..\..

git clone -b v4.0.1-rc2 https://github.com/mozilla/mozjpeg.git
cd mozjpeg
cmake . ^
    -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ^
    -A x64 ^
cmake --build . --config Debug
cmake --build . --config Release
cd ..

git clone https://github.com/kcat/openal-soft.git
cd openal-soft
git checkout openal-soft-1.21.0
cd build
cmake .. ^
    -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ^
    -A x64 ^
msbuild OpenAL.vcxproj /property:Configuration=Debug /property:Platform="x64"
msbuild OpenAL.vcxproj /property:Configuration=RelWithDebInfo /property:Platform="x64"
cd ..\..

git clone https://github.com/google/breakpad
cd breakpad
git checkout a1dbcdcb43
git apply ../patches/breakpad.diff
cd src
git clone https://github.com/google/googletest testing
cd client\windows
gyp --no-circular-check breakpad_client.gyp --format=ninja
cd ..\..
ninja -C out/Debug_x64 common crash_generation_client exception_handler
ninja -C out/Release_x64 common crash_generation_client exception_handler
cd tools\windows\dump_syms
gyp dump_syms.gyp
msbuild dump_syms.vcxproj /property:Configuration=Release /property:Platform="x64"
cd ..\..\..\..\..

git clone https://github.com/telegramdesktop/opus.git
cd opus
git checkout tdesktop
cd win32\VS2015
msbuild opus.sln /property:Configuration=Debug /property:Platform="x64"
msbuild opus.sln /property:Configuration=Release /property:Platform="x64"

cd ..\..\..\..\..
SET PATH=%cd%\ThirdParty\msys64\usr\bin;%PATH%
cd Libraries\win64

git clone https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg.git ffmpeg
cd ffmpeg
git checkout release/4.2

set CHERE_INVOKING=enabled_from_arguments
set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit
bash --login ../patches/build_ffmpeg_win.sh

cd ..

SET LibrariesPath=%cd%
git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git qt_5_15_2
cd qt_5_15_2
perl init-repository --module-subset=qtbase,qtimageformats
git checkout v5.15.2
git submodule update qtbase qtimageformats
cd qtbase
for /r %i in (..\..\patches\qtbase_5_15_2\*) do git apply %i
cd ..

configure ^
    -prefix "%LibrariesPath%\Qt-5.15.2" ^
    -debug-and-release ^
    -force-debug-info ^
    -opensource ^
    -confirm-license ^
    -static ^
    -static-runtime ^
    -no-opengl ^
    -openssl-linked ^
    -I "%LibrariesPath%\openssl_1_1_1\include" ^
    OPENSSL_LIBS_DEBUG="%LibrariesPath%\openssl_1_1_1\out64.dbg\libssl.lib %LibrariesPath%\openssl_1_1_1\out64.dbg\libcrypto.lib Ws2_32.lib Gdi32.lib Advapi32.lib Crypt32.lib User32.lib" ^
    OPENSSL_LIBS_RELEASE="%LibrariesPath%\openssl_1_1_1\out64\libssl.lib %LibrariesPath%\openssl_1_1_1\out64\libcrypto.lib Ws2_32.lib Gdi32.lib Advapi32.lib Crypt32.lib User32.lib" ^
    -I "%LibrariesPath%\mozjpeg" ^
    LIBJPEG_LIBS_DEBUG="%LibrariesPath%\mozjpeg\Debug\jpeg-static.lib" ^
    LIBJPEG_LIBS_RELEASE="%LibrariesPath%\mozjpeg\Release\jpeg-static.lib" ^
    -mp ^
    -nomake examples ^
    -nomake tests ^
    -platform win32-msvc

jom -j8
jom -j8 install
cd ..

git clone --recursive https://github.com/desktop-app/tg_owt.git
cd tg_owt
mkdir out
cd out
mkdir Debug
cd Debug
cmake -G Ninja ^
    -DTG_OWT_LIBJPEG_INCLUDE_PATH=%cd%/../../../mozjpeg ^
    -DTG_OWT_OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH=%cd%/../../../openssl_1_1_1/include ^
    -DTG_OWT_OPUS_INCLUDE_PATH=%cd%/../../../opus/include ^
    -DTG_OWT_FFMPEG_INCLUDE_PATH=%cd%/../../../ffmpeg ../..
cd ..
mkdir Release
cd Release
cmake -G Ninja ^
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^
    -DTG_OWT_LIBJPEG_INCLUDE_PATH=%cd%/../../../mozjpeg ^
    -DTG_OWT_OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH=%cd%/../../../openssl_1_1_1/include ^
    -DTG_OWT_OPUS_INCLUDE_PATH=%cd%/../../../opus/include ^
    -DTG_OWT_FFMPEG_INCLUDE_PATH=%cd%/../../../ffmpeg ../..
cd ..\..\..

6. Build

  • cmake, pyhton27 시스템 path에 넣어야함.
  • 환경변수 QT5_DIR : C:\Qt\5.12.11\msvc2017_64\lib\cmake\Qt5

BuildPath\tdesktop\Telegram 에서 아래를 실행


About Taehyung Kim

안녕하세요? 8년차 현업 C++ 개발자 김태형이라고 합니다. 😁 C/C++을 사랑하며 다양한 사람과의 협업을 즐깁니다. ☕ 꾸준한 자기개발을 미덕이라 생각하며 노력중이며, 제가 얻은 지식을 홈페이지에 정리 중입니다. 좀 더 상세한 제 이력서 혹은 Private 프로젝트 접근 권한을 원하신다면 메일주세요. 😎

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